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Person update record

The update file contains these records to show updates to officer appointments. For details relating to the update file, see officer update file.

Data Table

Character PositionData CategoryLengthData Item
1X8Company Number
991Record Type
10X1App Date Origin
11X1Res Date Origin
12X1Correction indicator
13X1Corporate indicator
1692Old Appointment Type
1892New Appointment Type
20912Old Person Number
32912New Person Number
44X8Partial Date of Birth
52X8Full Date of Birth
60X8Old Person Postcode
68X8New Person Postcode
76X8Appointment Date
84X8Resignation Date
92X8Change Date
100X8Update Date
10894Variable Data Length
112X1138 (max)Variable Data (variable length field)

Company Number

Company Number of the appointment. For more details about company numbers and their format, see Company numbers.

Record Type

Record Type is always 2 for person update records, whereas its 1 for company update records.

App Date Origin

The source document of the appointment date.

This single character can take one of six possible values, their meanings described in the table below:

1Appointment/Resignation date taken from appointment/termination document (includes 288a, 288b, AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04, RR01**, TM01, TM02, NI form 296, SEAP01, SEAP02, and SETM01).
2Appointment/Resignation date taken from annual return document (includes 363s, AR01, and NI form 371, plus LLP363s and LLAR01).
3Appointment date taken from incorporation document (includes form 10, IN01, NI form 21, SEFM01, SEFM02, SEFM03, SEFM04, SEFM05, SECV01, and SETR02).
4Appointment/Resignation date taken from LLP appointment/termination document (includes LLP288a, LLP288b, LLAP01, LLAP02, LLTM01, and NI forms LLP296a and LLP296b).
5Appointment date taken from LLP incorporation document (includes LLP2, and LLIN01).
6Appointment/Resignation date taken from overseas company appointment/termination document (includes BR4, OSAP01, OSAP02, OSAP03, OSAP04, OSTM01, and OSTM02).
spaceAppropriate date not yet allocated.

** Appointment of secretary on re-registration from private company to PLC.

Res Date Origin

The source document of the resignation date. Same mapping as described above in app date origin.

Correction indicator

The correction indicator can be either a space " " or a "Y". If it's set to Y, this indicates that the record is a correction.

Corporate indicator

Corporate indicator can be either a space " " or a "Y". If it's set to Y, this indicates that the officer is a corporate body.


Filler whitespace.

Old Appointment Type

Old Appointment Type is a 2-digit number, which will be one of the following:

00Current Secretary
01Current Director
02Resigned Secretary
03Resigned Director
04Current non-designated LLP Member
05Current designated LLP Member
06Resigned non-designated LLP Member
07Resigned designated LLP Member
11Current Judicial Factor
12Current Receiver or Manager appointed under the Charities Act
13Current Manager appointed under the CAICE Act
14Resigned Judicial Factor
15Resigned Receiver or Manager appointed under the Charities Act
16Resigned Manager appointed under the CAICE Act
17Current SE Member of Administrative Organ
18Current SE Member of Supervisory Organ
19Current SE Member of Management Organ
20Resigned SE Member of Administrative Organ
21Resigned SE Member of Supervisory Organ
22Resigned SE Member of Management Organ
99Any Errored appointment

New Appointment Type

New Appointment Type is a 2-digit number to represent the new appointment type (officer role), and the table of appointment types which correspond to the possible values can be found in Old Appointment Type.

Old Person Number

This is the previous 12-digit numerical identifier for the officer.

New Person Number

This is the new 12-digit numerical identifier for the officer.

Partial Date of Birth

Partial Date of Birth is date of birth of the officer without the day of month included. It's in the format CCYYMM . For example 198902 means February 1989. This is not always available, in which case it will just be 8 spaces. If full date of birth is available, then partial date of birth will also be provided. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Full Date of Birth

Full Date of Birth is the date of birth of the officer accurate to the day of month. It's in the form CCYYMMDD. For example 19570913 would be 13 September 1957. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Old Person Postcode

This field can contain spaces (meaning value not held by Companies House) or the postcode of the officer's previous address.

New Person Postcode

This field can contain spaces (meaning value not held by Companies House) or the postcode of the officer's new address.

Appointment Date

Appointment Date of the officer. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Resignation Date

Resignation Date of the officer. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Change Date

Change Date. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Update Date

Update Date. The date format can be found in the date format section.

Variable Data Length

The number of characters length of the next field which is variable data (including chevron separators).

Variable Data

Variable Data (variable length field) contains chevron (<) separated values. This field will always contain 27 chevrons. Where chevrons occur consecutively, e.g. <<<<, the data items that they terminate are not supplied. Thus, if chevron #4 immediately follows chevron #3, this indicates that "New Honours" is not supplied.

The order of the values is this:

New Title<New Forenames<New Surname<New Honours<Care Of<PO Box<New Address Line 1<New Address Line 2<New Post Town<New County<New Country<Occupation<New Nationality<New Residential Country<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
New Title<New Forenames<New Surname<New Honours<Care Of<PO Box<New Address Line 1<New Address Line 2<New Post Town<New County<New Country<Occupation<New Nationality<New Residential Country<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Date format

Date fields will contain either spaces or an actual date in the format CCYYMMDD.
The value spaces will signify that Companies House does not have an actual date for that item.

Example: 20220810 represents 10 August 2022.